Chemical synthesis is a unique science that enables drug discovery and other areas of chemical biology. Scientists use compound synthesis and radioactive isotopes to advance research. Keep reading to learn why tritium is so important in compound synthesis for insightful information.
Understanding Tritium
Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. The isotope contains two neutrons and one proton, and the two neutrons make tritium radioactive. Tritium comes naturally from cosmic rays and gas interactions in the upper atmosphere. However, it’s also made as a by-product of nuclear reactions.
It’s important to note that tritium decays like all radioactive isotopes. When the isotope decays, it emits beta radiation. You’ll typically see this with glow-in-the-dark lighting and signs. Scientists combine tritium gas with phosphor to create luminescence. The interesting thing about this light source is that it doesn’t require electricity, making it suitable for exit signs, emergency lighting, and airport runway lights.
Scientists also use tritium as a tracer in biomedical research. However, many countries use tritium as fuel for thermonuclear weapons. Note that tritium exposure can cause health risks if ingested through water or food or by inhaling it. It also causes a threat if it’s absorbed through the skin in large amounts.
Understanding Compound Synthesis
Synthesis is the production of chemical compounds. The goal is to artificially execute chemical reactions to obtain one or more products. Essentially, scientists take simple materials and transform them into complex molecules. Synthesis is important for drug discovery, chemical biology, new materials, and imaging.
In terms of drug discovery, organic synthesis is an essential part of the development of new pharmaceutical products. The optimization of complex molecules allows scientists to test potency and study biological activity. They can balance chemical properties so molecules deliver desired results in cells and patients.
For chemical biology, complex molecules will interact with biological systems to better understand living systems. Compounds allow scientists to understand structural biological processes more clearly, which also aids in drug discovery through target validation.
The Link Between Them
As mentioned, scientists use tritium as a biological tracer. Generally, tracers are substances with atomic or nuclear, chemical, or biological properties that can help identify and observe the performance of different chemical or biological processes. In biological tracer form, tritium is so important in compound synthesis because it can track the behavior of complex molecules. This can support drug development or the optimization of medicine.
With extensive experience in synthesis, Moravek offers radiolabeling services that can aid drug discovery. We have radiochemical synthesis and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) research options. Contact us today!