Secure, long-term storage is available for GMP compounds manufactured by Moravek at the following conditions:
- Controlled room temperature (+25 °C/60% RH)
- +4 °C
- -20 °C
- -80 °C

Our storage chambers are temperature mapped and continuously monitored by a Rees Scientific Environmental Monitoring System, which is compliant with U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations for electronic records (21 CFR Part 11). The GMP storage chambers are periodically requalified using Rees Scientific temperature mapping.
The entire facility, including all storage chambers, operates with automatic backup power from a Cummins 500-kW generator, which eliminates the worry of temperature excursions caused by a power outage during storage of APIs. The generator has an 8 second response time and sufficient fuel for approximately 4 days of uninterrupted, full-scale operation.
We can store your GMP API in our reliable storage chambers until you are ready to use it.